Thursday, November 8, 2012

Six Days Left! (or five, I can't count)

This is not a parable. This is just something that happened to me in the last year and changed the way I behaved in my marriage.

I had this turning point in which I became aware of how often I blamed Matt. The recycling container is full. Yesterday’s mail is all over the dresser—along with the mail from the day before that and the day before that. The clothes are still in the dryer. Chiara has gone to bed too late. And on and on and on because Matt, let me tell you, is constantly fucking up.

Then one day—somehow because of something Gretchen Rubin said, something I can’t even remember now because I don’t want to give her credit for anything—one day I said to myself, “I am going to take out the recycling.”

And the next day I said to myself, “I am going to sort yesterday’s mail. And the mail from the day before that and the day before that.”

And the day after that I said to Matt, “I need to fold clothes. Will you help me?”

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